Plagiarism Policy

"The Critical Review of Social Sciences Studies" (CRSSS) takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and expect all authors submitting to the journal to adhere to ethical research and writing practices. This policy outlines our definition of plagiarism, the specific types of plagiarism considered unacceptable, and the consequences of submitting plagiarized material.

2. Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the uncredited use of another person's intellectual property, including ideas, words, or data. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying verbatim from another source without proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing another source's work without sufficient change and proper citation.
  • Presenting another person's ideas or data as your own, even if you cite the source.
  • Self-plagiarism, which involves reusing significant portions of your own previous work without proper citation.

3. Unacceptable Types of Plagiarism:

CRSSS considers the following types of plagiarism unacceptable:

  • Direct plagiarism: Where text is copied word-for-word from another source without quotation marks and proper citation.
  • Mosaic plagiarism: Where phrases or sentences are lifted from various sources and strung together to create a new text without proper citation.
  • Patchwriting: Where multiple sources are copied and paraphrased but presented as original work.
  • Ghostwriting and authorship fabrication: Where someone else writes the manuscript for an author or an author claims sole authorship of work done by others.
  • Data fabrication: Where data is falsified or invented.

4. Consequences of Plagiarism:

Manuscripts submitted to CRSSS that are found to contain plagiarism will be subject to the following consequences:

  • Initial detection: Manuscripts with suspected plagiarism will be flagged and the author(s) will be contacted for clarification.
  • Confirmed plagiarism: Manuscripts with confirmed plagiarism will be rejected for publication. The author(s) may be banned from submitting to CRSSS for a set period of time.
  • Serious cases: In cases of severe or repeated plagiarism, the author(s)' institution and funding agencies may be notified.

5. Author Responsibilities:

Authors submitting to CRSSS are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and adherence to this plagiarism policy. This includes:

  • Properly citing all sources used in the manuscript, including direct quotes, paraphrased material, and ideas.
  • Using quotation marks for direct quotes and clearly indicating paraphrased material.
  • Obtaining permission for the use of copyrighted material.
  • Acknowledging the contributions of all co-authors.